Virtual Online Cooking Class Booking:
Booking with us is quick and easy with date and time selection in your own timezone and flexible options including solo, group, shared and/or private classes available. If you have any questions please Contact Us.
Classes are held in English and we also offer Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free options, and can accommodate for food allergies on request, just add any special request in the booking comment form.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have or if you wish a different time than what is available in the booking form.
Virtual Online Cooking Class Menus For Shared Classes
Monday Class Menu

Tuesday Class Menu

Wednesday Class Menu

Thursday Class Menu

Friday Class Menu

Saturday Class Menu (Vegetarian)

Sunday Class Menu

*2 dish classes are estimated 2 hours and 3 dish classes are estimated 2.5 hours and 4 dishes classes are estimated 3 hours.
**For private classes the menu can be selected from our full Thai dishes selection.
My Thai Cooking is open all week, Monday to Sunday: 08.00/8 am to 21.00/9 pm (GMT+7)
Int: (Los Angeles 5pm – 6am, New York 8pm – 9am, Ottawa 20.00 – 09.00, London 01.00 – 14.00, Paris 02.00 – 15.00, Berlin 02.00 – 15.00, Sydney noon – 1am, Singapore 9am – 10pm, Hong Kong 9am – 10pm, New Delhi 6.30am – 7.30pm)